Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ann Coulter's Jaw Broke

That's what happens when you hang on the "Boondocks".No she had a accident, I wish her well(I have to say that I'm a democrat).At Chris's site "From the Left" they get raw on her.Maybe she could get some tips on how to be cool from her cartoon self.I think Karma is trying to talk to her prejudice self.


Anonymous said...

Must be karma...

kid said...

How you doing Hillblogger. The reason I haven't posted there is because of malware. Any site that has visual verification I can't post there.I still visit your site and STEAL some good articles. Will stop by again.Au revoir .

vanishing point said...

She just proves that ugly is within, Somebody had made a video called "your an assh*le," about Bush, she is in it.

hope u have a nice day.