Friday, May 9, 2008

They thought they were Liberal Bloggers,until they got HIGH !

These are some more racist Hillary supporters.When I tell the truth,THEY LIE !
BTW, my other responce that they mention is in the article with Michelle Malkin's face,see if I beg or was rude.

kid said...
Can I ask you a question ? Was Malcolm X a racist? That's what Uppity said. Ayers has it on his door,so do I.Hillary reciently said that Sen.Obama not getting the "white" vote,she actually said that. Everthing that Uppity says is a lie and can be proved by using the truth.She's friendly with Bill Oreilly, Rush Limbaugh and Rupert Murdoch, think about it.

May 9, 2008 5:06 AM

Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy said...
If Uppity wants to address your comments regarding her, I have invited her to do so. Meanwhile, I could not disagree with you more. Perhaps it is her use of FACTS that is throwing you off, because the rest of your comment seems to be sorely lacking in same.

May 9, 2008 8:19 AM

Uppity Woman said...
Oh it's Kid. I don't bother letting this nutcase post at my blog any longer. Pure emotion, no facts. Can't dispute a single thing with a fact, but is really good at calling people names. Sorry I drove her here Reverend. Just block her, everybody else does. She/he is the one who posted how badly Barky needs our help now that he figured out he can't win with his "base". But of course, Kid wasn't humble about it, no sir. Even asking for support, they are assholes. At my house, kid's posts land in the circular file now. Suggest you do the same Amy.

But thanks for your input, Kid. We promise to give it all the weight we think it deserves.

May 9, 2008 9:14 AM
Uppity Woman said...
Thanks Amy. That's that nutcase Kid. I block her. She came here earlier this week telling us how Barky needs our support, but she didn't say so till after she called us and Hillary every name in the book. Kid never disputes anything with a fact. Kid is swooning for Barky. First Black Man and blah blah blah. These folks need to practice some humility. They are going to need it soon enough. I block that one. You should too. Just don't let the posts through. Makes em crazy.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posse linkage, man. I'm sure Chris will love it when he sees your sidebar.

I can't wait for May 20th. Barack will be the nominee and these fools will be crawling back into their hoods and robes for good.

¡Viva Obama!

enigma4ever said...

you blog is the cartoons...they are dead on...

Can I add you to my blogroll...Watergatesummer..

( let me know , I never add unlesss it is ok with folks)

enigma4ever said...

( btw I have a friend who lives in Asia and he called me from an Internet Cafe in Bali- and he called because the Cafe was abuzz because of her WHITE phrase this week- he called because he said - Tell me she did not say this out loud and to win votes- and I said NOPE- it has been on the air everyday hour by hour- it IS ON TAPE.... he was astounded....

I think Hill should just give pillowcases out at her rallies now-

so infuriating...She needs to be sent home - NOW...but I guess we just have to wait until the 20th...