Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Subliminal message my ass.

Hat Tip to My Urban Report:

Take a deep breath and enjoy this moment in history. Sure, we the media may seem out of control at times with the spin and over analysis of the political events we’re witnessing, but what do you expect?

Sen. Barack Obama is poised to become the Democratic nominee, and it seems to be all but a done deal. The drama has been fantastic from the “controversy” surrounding his former pastor, to winning in states like Iowa, but what matters is that he leads Clinton in the pledged delegates.

Can he take McCain? That story is yet to be written, but this is history in the making.

That being said there are reminders that this country is going through some growing pains. The PeachPundit provides commentary about a local newspaper in the Atlanta region called the Roswell Beacon that is now taking some heat because of a picture published of Barack Obama in crosshairs. The headline is “White Fright.”

I still don’t understand why anyone would fear Obama. Do I need to remind you that he’s black and white… vanilla swirl? He brings the best of both worlds to the table.

It looks like blogs as wells as the mainstream are giving the issue some much needed attention.

I support freedom of press, but what about journalistic responsibility?

Here’s the contact info for the paper:

Beacon Media Companies, Inc.

515 East Crossville Road
Suite 350-360
Roswell, GA 30075

John Fredericks - Publisher

Tim Altork - Senior Editor

Alan Sverdlik - Senior Correspondent


enigma4ever said...

holy crap....this is horrendous...I am forwarding to Keith Olbermann....Has anyone forwarded to the Obama Campaign ? ( I have a meeting on thursday Night- I will take to them - if you don't mind...)

And I will put you in my Friday Roundup...( if that is okay with you..)

{{ and this is why Hill fanning racism is a is going to be a long hot summer....)

enigma4ever said...

I will write the paper- but journalistic integrity died a long time ago...I am not even sure when it died...

Anonymous said...

That has to be the worst thing I've ever seen. It's worse than Mike Huckabee's joke.

BTW journalistic integrity died around 2002.