Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Martin Bashir shows how to make Smoked Tancredo

First you start of with a lot of ham and tons of boloney, and grill to perfection. Looks like Martin is 2 for 0 on smoking bigots. Tancredo was ask if he STILL thought that the POTUS was a bigger threat to the country than al Qaeda? Then Martin really let him have it when he asked him if he wanted him dead? All I have to say is keep it up Mr. Tancredo, we want the Republican Party to become a memory.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Tancredo is a loud-mouthed extremist TPer. I couldn't listen to more than 30 seconds of that blow-hard.

He couldn't even get the nomination for governor in his own state.

His 15 minutes of fame are over.

Mary Mayhem said...

Haha....he ran in my state. He is an extremist. I can't believe how close he got to Hickenlooper. Scary. All those crazy mountain and Lockheed Martin votes.

kid said...

@Shaw Kenawe

I hope he gets 15 minutes more

@Mary Mayhem

I don't think he can beat Eric Cartman.

Mary Mayhem said...

I want my smoked Tancredo on a bagel with some freshly crushed black pepper, freshly squeezed lemon and cream cheese...capers would be ok....Grape Manischewitz on the side.... MMMM Tancredo-Lox 'n Bagels are the perfect Springtime Brunch dish!

kid said...

@Mary Mayhem

I didn't know that Manischewitz was Cajun. Soon you're going to tell me that Gris Gris are Kosher.

Mary Mayhem said...

Damn it took down the last two comments..I was gonna say. I'm only Jewish by proxy, a lot of my friends are Jewish (only by heritage), but not Kosher, but their families are...I'm still miffed by how meat and cheese are an abomination but Salmon and cheese are A-OK, but I love the food either way...Just like Cajuns can't eat meat on Friday during Lent, but Fried Catfish is just fine...and every food place in Louisiana starts advertising a Crawfish burger or Fried Shrimp burger...isn't it all meat? I think Gris Gris is a Creole thing, but not sure. I know it came from Haitian and African Voodoo. Anyways...mostly prominent in New Orleans and surrounding areas...I had like a million Gris Gris dolls, mostly souvenirs, until my mother in law went all Mormon on us and destroyed them all...Bitch.

I actually ate lox n bagels today...at the Jewish Deli, inside the Denver Eruv, because of reading this post.