Friday, December 5, 2008

O'Reilly Radio Factor going off the air next year

I got this interview from Snoop Dogg attacking Bill Oreilly.NSFW.Everything Snoop says about Bill is 100% accurate.Now Snoop is a misogynist and I hate that, but Bill deserves every bit of his attack.

From Newshounds:
O'Reilly Radio Factor going off the air next year
Reported by Chrish - Fri 1:21 AM

Thank god for small favors. O'Reilly has announced that, due to an unsustainable work schedule, he will discontinue his daily talk radio program and devote himself full-time to the television O'Reilly Factor. O'Reilly's radio show ranked 13th in the country (in a 3-way tie for ninth, following three two-way ties 'above' him) , drawing 1/4 of Rush Limbaugh's audience.

1 comment:

vanishing point said...

not only is that (f) funny, it feels good too, all the things i would like to say to 'o'liely, and more, you got me laughing on this one.