Friday, July 17, 2009

They did it to Palin's kids, no they didn't.

Crossposted on The Daily Kos.

Over the past few weeks American media has gotten uglier.People have been sending out "dog whistles" to get the President shot.So-called journalist on the right have been telling outright lies to get their listeners to go out and kill.In Washington,D.C. a guard was murdered.In the mid-west a Dr. was murdered. In Pittsburgh three police officers were murdered on a unfounded rumor about the President.

Over the past few weeks American media has gotten uglier.People have been sending out "dog whistles" to get the President shot.So-called journalist on the right have been telling outright lies to get their listeners to go out and kill.In Washington,D.C. a guard was murdered.In the mid-west a Dr. was murdered. In Pittsburgh three police officers were murdered on a unfounded rumor about the President.

Now it gotten worse. Racist neo-cons have started attacking the children of President Obama.We all seen the photos of her in Europe wearing a shirt with the peace sign. People at Free Republic called for her murder.We're talking about a 11 year old girl here.Now it's Sahsa's turn.Someone supposedly named David Drake posted photos of Malia and Sasha pregnant. The replies on the blog was they did it to Palin's kids,no they didn't.

If someone made a altered photo of her youngest child pregnant,please let me know.This childish well they did it first excuse is bogus.You cannot make a analogy to doing this with little children.

As we seen lately in the media only minorities can only be racist.White men are being harmed, that is bull.We seen how human beings can be considered just as animals.How people can overtly say violent and distasteful things, and no one responds.Where is the MSM when you need them? George Stephanopolis being fed "flag pin" questions by Sean Hannity is mainstream.

There need to be a worldwide boycott of FOX and right wing media.On August 28th , the day that Emmitt Till was lynched,the day that W.E.B. DuBois passed in Ghana,the day of Dr. King's march on Washington is the day it should start.No FOX movies.Don't appear on their television shows.Don't buy their products or their sponsors.

Will it work. Well Oreilly dissed France.Greg Gutfield dissed Canada and their dead troops.That's two countries so far.Tell yourself , do you need to go on American Idol so bad?

One thing that disturbed me was seeing Jim Robinson of the Free Republic magazine next to Billionaire Steve Forbes. Mr. Forbes do you want me to put you on the list of people to boycott along with FOX?

Spread the word and tell your friends. E-mail stars and tell them not to be involved in FOX productions.Tell musician to make anti-FOX songs.

Bankrupt the right wing media lies.

*The offending photo can be found here:

Hat Tip to Grannystandingfortruth



Do you realize that Sotomayor sent an INNOCENT man to prison for 17 years, even AFTER the DNA evidence was there in front of the HAGS face??

Also, dummy.. They dont attack Palins kids...sure, drink more of that yoo-hoo, make SURE to SILENCE THE DISSENTERS!!!! IT IS YOUR FASCIST DUTY TO SHUT THEM THE FK UP!
Nevermind our right to FREE SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fascists- you ARE FASCISTS.
When the GOP was in power and YOUR people called for the MURDER of US troops, did THEY silence you animals?
SO STFUP and PROVE that you are NOT fascists, and LET people DISSENT.

See this and WAKE THE HELL UP:

vanishing point said...

Hey Angry,
The logic you display, IE: prove you are NOT a facist, is sophist b.s. You should be ashamed to take God's name in vain with that handle of yours.

"you animals", hmm I highly doubt God would use that term to describe His creation.

Looks like your picture is a HAGS face.

kid said...


This is one of the people that think that pregnancy jokes about Obama daughters are funny.Don't worry her ass will go to jail soon.

vanishing point said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vanishing point said...

Ok good Kid, glad to hear that a person who use "Angry for God" is getting in trouble, God would probably not like that.

I post some pictures soon from AC, hope you like them.