Monday, September 29, 2008

Yes, Chris Rock said that...and it true too.

\Chris Rock\

I had to clean it up for city folk and little critters as Uncle Jed would say.

It's 3AM...again?

\3 AM Again\

Here he comes to save the day.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hate Speech

Comment by Kid Funkadelic
September 28th, 2008 at 10:34 pm

Hey Greta keep going after Oprah , OK. You see I’m a member of the Afrospear bloggers group and we’re going to start a worldwide boycott on all FOX products.If Sen Obama win we will go after you , if he loses we will go after you.So everyone at FOX start fixing up your resume and send them off to MSNBC.Black people all around the world HATE FOX.We will also check into getting FOX bureaus all around the world thrown out those countries that you dogged out, which is all of them.You racist bigots are going down.BTW Greta, I know Joe McCarthy is your godfather but you don’t have to act like him.I wish Oprah would put her on so she can look more stupid,better yet she can go on David Letterman.

Comment by Kid Funkadelic
September 28th, 2008 at 10:40 pm

Let Rupert know that the world will boycott FOX. Keep treating black people the way you are treating them.Fox is so phony that Rupert watches CNBC to get his business news.Its a fact,he said it.

Comment by DLP
September 28th, 2008 at 10:49 pm

Go back to AFRICA Kid Funkadelic see how you like it! You’re the racist!!! This country has done plenty for all of the African Americans to make up for mistakes of the past. It’s black people like YOU that keep racism going!!!!!!!!

Comment by T.B.
September 28th, 2008 at 10:52 pm


Comment by TomatoChick8 ♥
September 28th, 2008 at 10:53 pm

sounds like someone’s scared BO is on his way out.

Comment by texwid
September 28th, 2008 at 10:56 pm


Comment by California Girl
September 28th, 2008 at 10:56 pm

“Kid” needs to be blocked from this blog. Rude, Crude, Insulting, and Threatening you needs to be challenged. Maybe the FBI can view what was written and see “Kid” in person.
Sad to say but watch your back Greta.

Bill Oreilly said that the right don't have blogs preaching hate, well here's proof from Greta Von Frakenstein's blog.

Shotgun Wedding


I got this from Crooks and Liars:

Yes, that is a tattoo of Bristol’s name on Baby Daddy Levi Johnston’s ring finger. Anyone else picturing Todd Palin brandishing a shotgun at the tattoo parlor? And just because this campaign can’t get surreal enough, from TPM:

(Given) what we’ve seen so far, I can’t say I’d be surprised if the moral jalopy that is the McCain-Palin Straight Talk Express sunk us even further into farce with something like this. From the Times of London …

In an election campaign notable for its surprises, Sarah Palin, the Republican vice- presidential candidate, may be about to spring a new one — the wedding of her pregnant teenage daughter to her ice-hockey-playing fiancĂ© before the November 4 election.

Inside John McCain’s campaign the expectation is growing that there will be a popularity boosting pre-election wedding in Alaska between Bristol Palin, 17, and Levi Johnston, 18, her schoolmate and father of her baby. “It would be fantastic,” said a McCain insider.

If this actually sways a single voter, I weep for my country.

Bad News

Fahrenheit 9/11...Part Two

If there were no actors in this ,this would be considered a documentary.


Bill Oreilly, Rush Limbaugh, and Matt Drudge got this video pull off of TV.If you hate Oreilly as much as I do ,MAKE THIS BADBOY VIRAL !!!!Don't let them censure us.

Are Americans that dumb..YES !

Even with McPain being caught in a lie on national television and his running mate going crackers people are still going to vote for him.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Country First ?

Maybe with the bank failures and two wars,those people in West Virginia and Kentucky just might vote for him, if they still have a home.

These are plants,also known as crackheads.As soon as they got back to the hood you know they got the shit beaten out of them.Pretty soon reporters will ask questions and they will find out who's financing the crackheads.Notice you don't see protesters at McPain's rally,he screen his people.

THIS JUST IN: Michael Warns the guy protesting thinks that Oprah and Obama are the devil.He also believes that 33% of black women in America are devils too.

A visit to Michael Warns website leads one to be directed to another website, michaeldefeatssatan, complete with a funky Marvin Gaye intro. Though I haven’t done enough of Michael’s website perusing to be sure, my initial impression is that he’s along the lines of a younger Rev. Manning.This quote is from Cinie's World one of Sugar's crackpot friends.


Who has more juice? A black billionaire or a moose shooting white woman ?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The O'Liely Factor.

Will he do a series on McPain...HELL FONKIN NAW !!!!

Ballot Box

I have a voter fraud wiki on my blogroll.We all know what they are going to do.Let's get busy and kick their ass.


If you want to learn how to play the bass,this is the song.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The PigFather

You know Slide is next.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lies and Smears From Sean Hannity At The Values Voters Summit

Lies and Smears From Sean Hannity At The Values Voters Summit
Reported by Priscilla - September 16, 2008 - From Newshounds

Last weekend’s “Values Voters Summit” was an all star carnival of leading luminaries of the radical, American religious right. Sponsored by the Family Research Council (headed by Tony Perkins who had some past connection to David Duke and the KKK) it included that valiant paragon of morality, in (and outside) marriage, Newt Gingrich and that model of political purity, Tom DeLay. Other participants were straight out of a who’s who of the American Taliban (whoops American conservative movement) such as Bill (abort the black babies and the crime rate will go down) Bennett, Michelle (we don’t need environmentalism because Jesus already saved the planet) Bachman, Lou (my wife will love these racist waffles) Dobbs, and young fascist (whoops Republican) Jason (I’m not in Iraq because I’m busy fighting the “culture war”) Mattera. And included in this list of Christian warriors, whose mission is to defend “America’s families against the radical liberal agenda,” was none other than “great American” Sean Hannity (who was introduced as such with the “Let Freedom Ring” music as background). I actually reviewed his speech on You Tube (talk about gag reflexes) and will highlight some of his violations of at least one of the Commandments.

The speech was essentially an endorsement of John McCain and a trashing of Barack Obama with some “values” talk thrown in. It was straight RNC talking points including the Barack Obama as “appeaser” and Michelle Obama as unpatriotic for daring to say her country is “mean.” Hannity wasted no time in repeating a discredited Fox smear about the Obama/Resko land deal and the accusation that Obama got federal money for Resko to rehab buildings. Hannity wanted to know why reporters aren’t investigating Black Liberation Theology and why Obama attended the Million Man March. Naturally, Obama’s “friendship” with Bill Ayers was mentioned. (Comment: Somehow, I don’t think Hannity would appreciate it if the MSM goes too deeply into Sarah Palin’s radical Christianity.) Oh, and speaking of “Sarah,” she was invited to the Summit but had other plans.

Hannity got in his talking points about the Founding Fathers’ embrace of Christianity by saying that Thomas Jefferson would now be run out of town for his reference to “the Creator” in the Declaration of Indepence. (Comment: more like the secular Jefferson, who authored a New Testament without the miracles, would be burnt at the stake by the “values” crowd.) Hannity then read a bogus quote from George Washington about how “it is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” (Comment: In the rightwing faith based world, facts are unimportant!) Pastor Hannity, in his most righteous Hannctimonious voice, was indignant that the National Organization for Women and Barbara Boxer have been critical of Sarah Palin. He then claimed that Palin is, indeed, pro choice because she “chose” to marry her high school sweetheart, give birth to a Down’s child, join the NRA, and become a political reformer. He didn’t say that she, too, has violated the commandment about lying with her insistence that she was against the Bridge to Nowhere.

Two instances of when Hannity’s nose grew longer were quite apparent. He said that after Nancy Pelosi gaveled the congressional session closed, the Republicans stayed and fought for Americans every single day. Oh really? It seems that Representative John Boehner got in a little golf. Then he repeated the lie that is oh-so-hot in the rightwing blogosphere – that NBC’s respected journalist Andrea Mitchell said that “only stupid women will vote for Sarah Palin.” Here’s the quote. You decide. “She is not appealing to the same women who were really voting or supporting Hillary Clinton on ideological issues but they think that they can peel off some of these working class women, not college educated, who, the blue collar women who were voting for Hillary Clinton and may be more conservative on social causes.”

Hannity ended with more talking points about how America needs “originalist” judges (so we reinstate slavery?), a secure border, a strong defense, free market solutions to health care, energy independence, reform of social security. (Comment: I guess that the values folks have benefited from the “Gospel of Prosperity” and don’t give a rat’s derriere about all those other folks for whom lack of employment and housing foreclosures are a problem. It’s all about embryos and those in persistent vegetative states. Anyone else is on their own!) But he saved the best for last when he envisioned an America where children will go to school, like in the old days, and say the Pledge of Allegiance with their hands over their hearts. (Comment: huh??)

Comment: Two things. News Hounds Ellen deserves so much credit for reviewing this unadulterated drek and as comic strip Cathy would say – “Akkkkkkkkk”

Addendum - Hannity aided and abetted another liar when he briefly mentioned how Obama supports killing babies and noted how Jill Stanek, "who found a Down's baby in a hospital closet," would be discussing this at length.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Body of War

This is from Kellybelle,she don't mind if I repost this:

Went to see Body of War. This movie should be shown on CNN or HBO or something. Because there would be 77 senators out of a job. That's how many voted to give Bush the power to wild out in Iraq.

The movie follows the post-Iraq life of Tomas Young, who was paralyzed from the chest down after just 5 days in Iraq. It jumps back and forth between Tomas' day-to-day struggles and Bush and the 77 senators (including McCain) swearing up and down that Sadaam had WMD and America was in danger. You can see how Republican talking points work: Bush says something and they al repeat it over and over again until the ig'nant masses believe it. And it shows Sen. Byrd's valiant attempt to prevent the resolution from being rammed through the Senate.

Tomas, who is really cute, funny, witty, sarcastic, and (rightfully) pissed, travels around speaking for Iraq Veterans Against the War. Being paralyzed doesn't mean just whipping around in a hi-tech wheelchair; Tomas takes a mind-blowing amount of medications, can't cough or control his body temperature, endures drastic blood pressure fluctuations, and, as a young newlywed, struggles with erectile dysfunction. I would love to see how gung-ho for war Sean Hannity is after watching a mother stick a catheter down the head of her son's penis (yes, they showed it).

I normally don't like to look at other people's misfortunes to be grateful, but I left that movie feeling blessed. And determined to get Barack in the White House so we can bring these men and women home. There was one heart-breaking scene at an anti-war rally, where Gold-Star mothers surrounded Tomas, just touching him, stroking his face, kissing him, and telling him about their dead children. (And a funny scene where Tomas tells a bunch of pro-war protesters, "If I could walk, I'd kick your ass!").

Damn, all Hillary Clinton had to do was stand with 23 other senators and say no. And the heffa couldn't do it. She had the Founding Fathers on her side; James Madison said it himself:

"In no part of the Constitution is more wisdom to be found, than in the clause which confides the question of war and peace to the legislature, not to the executive department. ... [T]he trust and temptation would be too great for any one man. ..."

(Note he didn't say a damn thing about the pledge of allegiance, as it had yet to be written.)

Phil Donahue and Marlo Thomas were there, too.

Damn. Check this movie out.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A huntin' we will go.

For example, African-Americans who built the highway to Alaska stayed to
live after it was completed. Taking the position that the people who
continue to play a significant role in the building of the
infrastructure of Alaska should not be represented on the staff of Gov.
Palin is preposterous.

Gov. Palin's attitude toward Alaska's black population indicates what
her feelings might be toward all African-Americans as vice-president and
possibly president of the United States. Like Sen. McCain, Gov. Palin
shows little or no respect for the observance of Juneteenth Independence
Day in America. Juneteenth is an official state holiday observance in
Alaska which requires the Governor to issue an annual proclamation.
Despite the statute, Gov. Palin did not issue a Juneteenth Proclamation
in 2007.

Gov. Palin still refuses to meet with African-American leaders of the
Ministers Alliance to discuss job opportunities for African-Americans
during the building of the Alaskan pipeline. Again, in my opinion, if
elected to the White House, most likely her actions toward
African-Americans will not change. Let African-American leaders in
Alaska tell their own story about Gov. Palin. I have spoken to several
of them and remain quite concerned about what I am hearing.

Juneteenth is America's 2nd Independence Day celebration. 29 states and
the District of Columbia recognize Juneteenth as a state holiday or
state holiday observance, as well as the Congress of the United States.

Together we will see Juneteenth become a national holiday in America!

Thanks to the Afrospear for this info !

Diss' count

Musique Non-Stop -Kraftwerk

Beat down

Damn, even Gandhi hates you.

This is for Kathy.Thanks Sis 4 the love.

"Maggot Brain" is a song by the band Funkadelic. It appears as the lead track on their 1971 album of the same name.

The original recording of the song, over ten minutes long, features little more than a spoken introduction and a much-praised extended guitar solo by Eddie Hazel. Michael Hampton (Eddie Hazel's replacement as lead guitarist) recorded his own interpretation of the song in 1978, which was included in a bonus vinyl EP that was distributed with the album One Nation Under a Groove; the cut is also included in most CD editions of that album.

Radio disc jockey Bill "B.L.F. Bash" Freeman played the original full version of "Maggot Brain" on 100.7 WMMS_(FM)/Cleveland every Sunday morning at 1:30 AM from 1976 through 1994. Meanwhile, the Saturday Night House Party at crosstown rival, 98.5 FM WNCX/Cleveland picked up the tradition in 1988, playing "Maggot Brain" shortly before midnight every Saturday night... a tradition that continues 20 years later. In March 2005, Father Nature Magazine placed Eddie Hazel's performance on "Maggot Brain" at number 1 in its list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Solos.

[edit] Creation

According to legend, George Clinton, under the influence of LSD, told Eddie Hazel to play the first half of the song like his mother had just died and to play the second half as if he had found out she was alive (other variants of the story suggest that he was simply told to play as if he had found his mother dead.) The result was the 10-minute guitar solo for which Hazel is most fondly remembered by many music critics and fans. Though several other musicians began the track playing, Clinton soon realized the power of Hazel's solo and faded them out so that the focus would be on Hazel's guitar (the band can only truly be heard during the end of the song, and even then, it is barely audible.) The entire track was recorded in one take. The solo is played in a pentatonic minor scale in the key of E over another guitar track of a simple arpeggio. Hazel's solo was played through a fuzzbox and a wah pedal; some sections of the song utilize a delay effect. The original version with full band accompaniment was released in 1997 on the album "Funkadelic Finest".

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back to the Future ?

Maybe he should have gotten Marty McFly and the Professor's help too.

Spread the word.This movie is free. Help Michael Moore and America and spread this around.Lets stop the Republiklans from what they're spreading around.

Its Caribou Barbie

Watch out Bullwinkle and Rocky, Gov.Palin is packing.

Boston Globe | September 13, 2008 01:32 PM
Read More: Pakin Kuwait, Palin Iraq, Palin Never Visited Iraq, Palin Never Went To Iraq, Palin's Iraq Trip, Sarah Palin, Politics News
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Sarah Palin's visit to Iraq in 2007 consisted of a brief stop at a border crossing between Iraq and Kuwait, the vice presidential candidate's campaign said yesterday, in the second official revision of her only trip outside North America.

Following her selection last month as John McCain's running mate, aides said Palin had traveled to Ireland, Germany, Kuwait, and Iraq to meet with members of the Alaska National Guard. During that trip she was said to have visited a "military outpost" inside Iraq. The campaign has since repeated that Palin's foreign travel included an excursion into the Iraq battle zone.

But in response to queries about the details of her trip, campaign aides and National Guard officials in Alaska said by telephone yesterday that she did not venture beyond the Kuwait-Iraq border when she visited Khabari Alawazem Crossing, also known as "K-Crossing," on July 25, 2007.

Asked to clarify where she traveled in Iraq, Palin's spokeswoman, Maria Comella, confirmed that "She visited a military outpost on the other side of the Kuwait-Iraq border."

Watch him crank that Soulja Boy.


They thought they could stop me from posting these toons,but I did it. Someone put malware on my system, so it makes putting photo on my site hard.But I found a way.

This just in Kowboy Klannity Kostello get smoked like the Chronic on FOX. He even get's cussed out.Heartwarming for the whole family.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Baby Mama Drama

I got this in a e-mail from Dr. Boyce Watkins,(or at least it said so).I'm not saying anything about this.Believe me Dr.Watkins has a reason to hate FOX's Queen of Denial.Remember, I'm not saying anything about this.

Monday, September 8, 2008

PUMA Fraud

August 27, 2008
The Great Pundit Cable Republican PUMA Fraud (Brent Budowsky)
@ 5:16 pm

Yes, indeed, one of the pundits with the latest "Hillary supporters will vote Republican" words admitted she was repeating the GOP talking points, which indeed she was, along with the jib-jab of the cable talkies and the flim-flam of the so-called experts who treat smears as truth and talking points as news.

The "Hillary supporters will vote Republican" myth is a fraud, a figment of the imagination of Fox News, a fantasy of the Hillary-obsessed pundit class, and a mirage that will be shattered when the PUMA Republicans are revealed for the fraud they are and more than 90 percent of the Hillary supporters will vote against more war, against overturning Roe v. Wade and against the economic royalism of the oil company party led by John McCain, who opposes equal pay for women while he would privatize Social Security for the elderly.

The pundits chortled when a Gallup poll showed McCain pulling ahead, but they are silent when the next Gallup poll showed Barack back on top.

Here's the catch. When CNN dredged up that African-American Hillary delegate saying she would give Barack Obama two months to prove his worth to her, that woman will end up voting for Obama and is counted in the bogus math of the alleged "Hillary supporters will vote for McCain.” In fact, the polls that show Obama slightly ahead count NONE of those alleged "Hillary voters" as Obama voters when in truth MOST of them will be.

In short, they are already being counted AGAINST Barack, yet when there is movement in their numbers, it will be TO Barack.

Let’s be clear. This convention has not dealt with economic or energy issues, as it should have. Democrats are in the fight of their lives. Make no mistake about that.

But make no mistake about this, either. No matter how many times the pundits repeat the Republican talking points, no matter how much the cable talkies are obsessed with Hillary, no matter how much propaganda is spread by the Republicans and repeated on the cables as news or by the pundits as wisdom, the truth is this …

The PUMAs are nothing but a fraud who speak for no one except a handful of people and Republicans who support them, promote them, and try to sell them to the press as they once sold Mr. Chalabi as the future of Iraqi democracy and once sold Jack Abramoff as the go-to power guy in Washington.

It is fraud, it is a sham, it is a myth — and don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise.

Meet the Bloggers

Just Got Paid

Obama Camp Has Now Raised More Than $10 Million Since Palin Speech
By Greg Sargent - September 4, 2008, 9:12PM

The cash keeps flowing in to the Obama campaign in the wake of Sarah Palin's speech, suggesting that whatever effect she's had on the GOP base has been duplicated on the Democratic side.

Obama spokesperson Tommy Vietor confirms that the campaign has now pulled in over $10 million since her speech -- a "one day record," Vietor says.

"I hope she gives a speech every day," Vietor joked.

Separately, the RNC reportedly raised $1 million after the speech.

The AfroSpear Says, "I Am A Community Organizer"

The AfroSpear
The AfroSpear Says, "I Am A Community Organizer"
Press Release For Immediate Release
Day of Blogging for Justice: Community OrganizersThe AfroSpear Announces
Day of Blogging for Community Organizer Justice on Sep 8, 2008

Cincinnati, OH - Sep 7, 2008 - I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities.
- Sarah Palin, 2008

Wiith those caustic words, Gov Sarah Palin ignited a firestorm in the African American community. Palin's words resulted in a call being issued by The AfroSpear for a 'Day of Blogging for Justice: Community Organizers'.

The AfroSpear notes that many heed the call for community organizing within the Black community, both online and in the 'real world', as teachers, church deacons, and non-profit volunteers. We condemn statements that criticize community organizing - statements that challenge the value of the "one thousand points of light" volunteerism, non-profit and charitable work that President George H.W. Bush made a centerpiece of his social programs.

Rather than attempt to score political points by attacking charitable and non-profit sector efforts, those who seek to lead America should join those community organizers in churches, schools, PTAs, Girls and Boys Clubs, and all those who work tirelessly to make America a better place, every day of the week.

Therefore, on Monday, September 8, 2008, The AfroSpear will conduct a Day of Blogging for Justice: Community Organizers. AfroSpear members and supporters will blog to highlight the crucial community-building efforts of people online and in our own communities. Even a church choir is a community organizing effort and no one should belittle such efforts.

This is a nonpartisan effort. If you have questions or wish to discuss further you can reach out to any member of The AfroSpear including Wayne Hicks, Francis Holland or Frederic Mitchell.
About The AfroSpear
The AfroSpear is an online think tank for Black progressive bloggers who discuss, muse, and ruminate on issues that affect our communities. This group is a virtual force that encourages lively debate, discourse, and an occasional disagreement as we hone a platform on a particular issue.

About Electronic Village
Electronic Village, founded in January 2007, is a blog created to share information and dialogue that is uplifting to people of African descent. This blog is ranked in the Top 25 of all Black blogs.
The AfroSpear
Francis Holland
Frederic Mitchell

Electronic Village
Wayne Hicks, Blogger
(513) 284-4968

a community organizer

Last night during the Republican convention I marveled at the speechwriter’s decision to shit on Barack Obama’s past as a community organizer during Vice Presidential puppet nominee Sarah Palin’s speech. Another Republican did it, too, but I can’t remember which one right now because I haven’t had enough coffee and because Republicans all vomit out the same talking points, so they blur together. Anyway, as the be-cheetoed hands clapped and the gullets hollered in the auditorium at Palin’s line about a “small town mayor bein’ like a community organizer, but with responsibilities, dontcha know,” (slight paraphrase) I asked myself, “Wait, is it that the Republican delegates are so uneducated/stupid that they don’t know what a community organizer is?” Later, it was pointed out to me that this is just another one of those racist dogwhistles for Republicans…as Lee Atwater famously explained, you can’t say “nigger, nigger, nigger” anymore, so this dig essentially means, “community organizers help nigras, small-town mayors help whites.” So, in the interest of reminding good, decent, non-racist people who aren’t at the Republican Convention, TS made a little list of other notable community organizers:

Jane Addams
Samuel Gompers
Jane Jacobs
Mother Jones
Martin Luther King Jr.
John Lewis
Paul Wellstone
Carrie Nation
Susan B. Anthony

Now, granted, half of the delegates in the room last night probably still refer to King as “Buckwheat.” I grew up in the South, I know that of which I speak. But wow. Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Nation, Mother Jones, Dr. King…what company Obama kept in choosing to travel the path of the community organizer.

TS also asks:

GOP: Is this the hill you want to die on? You do realize, I hope, that a lot of people who saw last night’s speeches, those who aren’t already predisposed to vote for McCain, will hear you slag community organizers and think, “Gosh, what a bunch of fucking assholes.”

Exactly. I was talking to a friend while watching Sarah Palin’s speech, and when she dropped that line, he immediately said “way to shit on every non-profit worker in the country, Sarah.” What’s funny is that supposedly Republicans support letting the private sector help the poor, etc., rather than the government, so you’d think that Republicans would be praising the work of a community organizer.

But nah — the GOP doesn’t have consistent morals like that. This year everything is new. Knock up your girlfriend? YOU get to stand onstage at the Republican Convention! The talking point on the GOP ticket is that they have the experienced candidate on the top of the ticket, where he belongs, which requires us to forget who is currently president, and how that ticket worked. By the GOP’s current logic, John Kerry should have won in 2004. After all, the candidate with experience was on the top! And if in 2012 they put a newbie on top and an old hand on bottom, suddenly that will be the way again!

I would hate to belong to a political party that demanded so little from me intellectually.

Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

* Obama Answers Republican Ridicule
* GOP Insults Anger Community Organizers
* ’Change Is Coming,’ McCain Says
* McCain: ’We made the right choice’

This entry was posted on September 4, 2008 at 3:26 pm and is filed under Barack Obama, Calling them out on their bullshit, Election that will never end, General Batshittery, John McCain, McCain-Palin '08, Obama-Biden '08, Reality Check, Republicans, Sarah Palin, Teh Stupid, bigots with tags Barack Obama, John McCain, Republicans, racists, Republican convention, John Kerry, GOP, McCain-Palin, Republican racists, community organizers, racist dogwhistles, Barack Obama community organizer, Sarah Palin racist dogwhistle, Sarah Palin Republican Convention speech, small-town mayor vs community organizer, Lee Atwater, Jane Addams, Samuel Gompers, Jane Jacobs, Mother Jones, Martin Luther King Jr., John Lewis, Paul Wellstone, Carrie Nation, Susan B. Anthony, GOP Convention, non-profit workers.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Maggot Brain...,It ain't illegal yet !


"Maggot Brain" is a song by the band Funkadelic. It appears as the lead track on their 1971 album of the same name.

The original recording of the song, over ten minutes long, features little more than a spoken introduction and a much-praised extended guitar solo by Eddie Hazel. Michael Hampton (Eddie Hazel's replacement as lead guitarist) recorded his own interpretation of the song in 1978, which was included in a bonus vinyl EP that was distributed with the album One Nation Under a Groove; the cut is also included in most CD editions of that album.

Radio disc jockey Bill "B.L.F. Bash" Freeman played the original full version of "Maggot Brain" on 100.7 WMMS_(FM)/Cleveland every Sunday morning at 1:30 AM from 1976 through 1994. Meanwhile, the Saturday Night House Party at crosstown rival, 98.5 FM WNCX/Cleveland picked up the tradition in 1988, playing "Maggot Brain" shortly before midnight every Saturday night... a tradition that continues 20 years later. In March 2005, Father Nature Magazine placed Eddie Hazel's performance on "Maggot Brain" at number 1 in its list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Solos.

[edit] Creation

According to legend, George Clinton, under the influence of LSD, told Eddie Hazel to play the first half of the song like his mother had just died and to play the second half as if he had found out she was alive (other variants of the story suggest that he was simply told to play as if he had found his mother dead.) The result was the 10-minute guitar solo for which Hazel is most fondly remembered by many music critics and fans. Though several other musicians began the track playing, Clinton soon realized the power of Hazel's solo and faded them out so that the focus would be on Hazel's guitar (the band can only truly be heard during the end of the song, and even then, it is barely audible.) The entire track was recorded in one take. The solo is played in a pentatonic minor scale in the key of E over another guitar track of a simple arpeggio. Hazel's solo was played through a fuzzbox and a wah pedal; some sections of the song utilize a delay effect. The original version with full band accompaniment was released in 1997 on the album "Funkadelic Finest".

More Bounce

Pirate Satellite has 78% more bounce to the ounce.

Dance Floor

See how we do it in Ohio.Do it , do it Roger,do it.

Who's house.....?Run's house.

E4E don't mind that I "stole" this from her.Her blog is Watergate Summer

Governor Palin supposedly has THREE houses, So I found an Interesting tidbit in the enacted 2008 Budget about a "Governor House"...I was puzzled by this, and WHY I could not even find a photo of the Governor Mansion on Wikipedia, even though it is Listed in the National Historic Registry.The Governor's Mansion photo has been removed from Wikipedia as of Sept 7, 2008. And yet earlier this year ,in August Tadd Palin was seen giving other first ladies framed photos of the Mansion at a luncheon at the Mansion.Regardless of the Photo problems, I still found a photo of the Mansion.

So she has the House , the Family Home in Wasilla, and then the Governor Mansion that is already paid for and was built in Juneau in 1936. So I have to ask the line in the 2008 Enacted Budget about " Governor's House- $397,000" WHAT and WHERE is That House ? And is it Usual for the State Budget to fund a House for the Governor ?


was watching a special on music one time that had Grandmaster Flash on it.He explained what the favorite record of D.J.s was, Trans-Europe Express by Kraftwerk.He said you could go to the bathroom, eat anything while the record played.The record D.J.s' itself.

Today that's what I'll do with my blog. The following is from the Sugar and Spice blog.Sugar says she is a black woman.I don't believe she's black or a woman.I let my blog D.J itself while she speaks.This is her address if you don't believe that she wrote it

A song for Hillary,Sarah Palin, and PUMA.

Hold fast Hillary. Hold fast Sarah Palin. Hold fast PUMAs. The attacks are coming hard and fast from the Obama supporters because they are in an absolute frenzy that we women-folks are causing so much trouble for their Messiah. I'm especially ashamed of the female Obama supporters who are traipsing around letting themselves be pimped out by those thugs, acting as though they speak for Hillary supporters. Well, they don't speak for me and I will be voting for McCain in November.

If you are so concerned about a "woman's right to choose" you should have thought about that during the primaries. Now, just keep your damned legs closed or make him put a sleeve on that dick. A baby doesn't have to happen. It's up to you. Besides, with all of this damned HIV and Super AIDS we are dealing with, why in the hell aren't you making these guys wear condoms anyway? How about "choose" to use some common sense and use protection!? Shut up all of this shit talking about Roe v. Wade being "rolled back". Nobody's rolling anything back. If it were going to happen, it would have already happened under the Nimrod in Chief we've got now. You made your bed, lay in it!

The constant refrain we heard from so many women during the primaries was, "We would like to see a woman president, just not this woman," with such disdain for Hillary. Well, we would like to see an African-American become president, just not this one.

Anyway, check out Chaka Khan, the icon, and Mary J Blige, the queen, expressing what these folks need to keep in mind. I'm sick of this shit from them and they get what they deserve after McCain kicks that ass in a few weeks. --SUGAR

Did anything happen while I was gone?

Let's go all the way,Pt 2

Here's a little information on Gov.Palin and the man she supported for president in 2000 Pat Buchanan.

Pat Buchanan. Anti-Feminism (0+ / 0-)

In a 1983 syndicated column, Buchanan wrote women are "simply not endowed by nature with the same measures of single-minded ambition and the will to succeed in the fiercely competitive world of Western capitalism."

In Right from the Beginning, Buchanan wrote: "The real liberators of American women were not the feminist noise-makers; they were the automobile, the supermarket, the shopping center, the dishwasher, the washer-dryer, the freezer." He went on to explain these conveniences allowed "Mom" to spend more time reading, teaching or getting involved in the community. He vocally opposed the policy of allowing women to serve in military combat. In Death of the West, he wrote that early campaigners for women's rights such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton held social views distinctly different from those of second-wave feminists of the 1960s. He has expressed his belief that the latter hold much of the responsibility for imperiling Western civilization.

In a 1977 Globe-Democrat column discussing John Toland's biography of Adolf Hitler, Buchanan wrote:

Though Hitler was indeed racist and anti-Semitic to the core, a man who without compunction could commit murder and genocide, he was also an individual of great courage, a soldier's soldier in the Great War, a political organizer of the first rank, a leader steeped in the history of Europe, who possessed oratorical powers that could awe even those who despised him...Hitler's success was not based on his extraordinary gifts alone. His genius was an intuitive sense of the mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness masquerading as morality that was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood in his path.

This is from BoBo 20 at the Daily Kos:

We all know that she is under investigation for abuse of power and there are audio recordings to back it up. What you won't hear on the news is this list of other things you didn't know about the woman they call "Miss Baracuda."

* BoBo2020's diary :: ::

1. Sarah Palin has an Abramoff problem - a Pro-Palin illegal mailer was sent during her gubernatorial campaign on behalf of Palin by the RGA, the DC group that got money from Abramoff, Reed, etc.

2. She advocated AGAINST mine safety / pollution control

3. She has an ANTI-ENVIRONMENT RECORD and is on the wrong side of global warming and doesn't think polar bears should be listed as endangered because it interferes with her drilling plans.

4. She's against sex education - abstinence only.

5. She appears to oppose windfall taxes on oil companies at the national level but supported them to benefit her state and she wants to drill ANWR.

6. Believes Creationism should be taught in science classes

7. Don't believe the whispers that she supportive of the GLBT community. She's opposed to state health benefits for same-sex partners and only vetoed a resolution that would have ended state benefits because the Supreme Court had already declared it unconstitutional.

8. She's opposed to universal health care and stem cell research

9. No foreign policy experience? According to the folks at FOX think she has foreign policy experience because "Alaska is near Russia."

10. She doesn't know what the Vice President really does.

11. This choice is NOT helping McCain's polling numbers, especially with women.

12. McCain only met Sarah Palin ONCE and talked to her TWICE making this a purely cynical and desperate political appointment by HIS CAMPAIGN not by him! She's not really HIS VP choice.

13. She's deeply connected to the Bridge to Nowhere.

14. She stated that she would force her own daughter to have a rapist's child.

15. She has 3 houses

16. Terre pointed out that she's connected to VECO - the company at the heart of Ted Stevens' troubles. She also received an endorsement from Ted that has suddenly disappeared from her webpage.

17. She called candidate Clinton a whiner. Why does everyone in the McCain campaign think others are whiners?

18. She apparently hasn't taken a stand on most major political issues

19. Her selection has created a major rift among the Republicans, especially Romney & Pawlenty.

20. Past quotes by Rove make Palin's selection look like desperation.

21. Palin may have been scrubbing her own wikipedia page

22. Sarah Palin, Buchanite - Palin supported Pat Buchanan in 2000, a fact which may alienate certain Florida voters. Hat tip to misslotus

23. She was vetted too quickly and McCain only picked her the night before making the announcement.

24. She's still focused on Alaska not the fact the she would be Vice President for the whole nation.

25. She participated in a profane on-air attack againt the Alaskan State Senate President and giggled at the word b*tch..

26. Like Bush and McCain, she can't admit when she's wrong.

27. She's linked to the Dominionist movement and Joel's Army.

28. The United Steelworkers have already spoken out against her.

29. She was a bad mayor who left her town's economy in tatters.

30. She supported Obama's energy plan, but suddenly these references are disappearing.

31. Some of the PUMA's believe that John McCain is patronizing them.

32. Additionally, this choice eliminates the "He's not ready" attack on Obama.

33. This choice raises the issue of McCain's age (Is Palin ready to take over if he keels over).

34. It also raises the issue of McCain's past unfavorable statements against women.

35. Additionally, this choice reminds us that McCain is an adulterer and raises the spectre that he is just a dirty old man with wandering eyes.

36. Palin's husband is on BP's payroll creating a possible conflict of interest.

37. She made extremely poor use of Eminent Domain during her time as mayor.

38. She favors censoring library books (Alert your local librarian!)

39. Sen. Ted Stevens and Rep. Don Young (both under investigation) campaigned for her in 2006.

40. She didn't support McCain in the primaries.

41. The top 2 ALASKAN newspapers question her fitness for the job.

42. She supports aerial hunting of wolves even though it was outlawed by Congress. She's using a loophole.. Hat tip to Scarce

UPDATED: 43. She's part of Feminists for Life and is AGAINST BIRTH CONTROL. It would be awesome if someone asked her McCain's now famous "should insurance companies cover viagra/birth control" question.

44. Undecideds apparently don't like the Palin pick. Thanks marabout40!

45. More environmental problems - She fighting to prevent Belugas from being listed as endangered. Thanks again Terre!

46. In addition to polar bears, belugas, and wolves, for the first time in Alaskan history she is supporting hunting black bear sows and cubs. Thank you for the information Bodean.

47. She's either going to be distracted by being deposed soon or she is going to draw negative attention by trying to avoid being deposed.

48. There have been discussion of witness tampering and possible impeachment hearings related to charges of her abuse of power

49. MEME: Palin's selection provides a clear example of John McCain's hasty decision-making and poor judgement on important issues (like who would be best qualified to take his place if he could not complete his term).

Let's go all the way

So Carabou Barbee said that ,"Sambo beat the bitch".Let's go all the way and get Fox.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Did you see Barack Obama go on The O'Reilly Factor last night-right into the belly of the beast? While we didn't want Obama to appear on FOX initially, he wisely chose the same night John McCain delivered his RNC speech (the same night FOX received some of its highest ratings) to make an appearance. Talk about stealing the GOP's thunder!

Obama was no doubt trying to appeal to conservative voters, since 88% of FOX viewers voted Republican in 2004. But FOX won't let their conservative base go without a fight. That's why O'Reilly needled and interrupted Obama, trying to get him to simplify many of his answers-a far cry from the softballs O'Reilly lobbed at many prominent Republicans like Rudy Giuliani in the past. And that's why FOX has been attacking Obama with the same relentless smear tactics that they used against John Kerry four years ago. Watch them use the exact same attacks.

Watch the video and spread it to everyone you know.

Don't let FOX repeat its history of distortions. Send this video to everyone you know! And get a copy to networking sites like Digg as soon as possible. Make sure everyone knows that FOX is always willing to distort, slander, and smear-whatever it takes to advance their conservative agenda.

And for more on how damaging FOX and the corporate media have been, tune into Meet the Bloggers today at 1pm ET/10am PT. Our guest host, punk rock icon Henry Rollins, will be joined by bloggers Jonathan Kim (FOX Attacks!), Liliana Segura ( and Paul Waldman (Media Matters) to discuss the media's overt bias.

Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New team

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fake propganda from the Greta wire.

Look what the fools at Fox have done.This is on the PUMA blog at Fox.You know and I know this ain't real.

Comment by MsUniquee - CA
September 2nd, 2008 at 1:41 am

Kudos to Greta!!!!! Thank you for allowing the video and the PUMA bloggers! My story started before c4m/PUMAs . . . I was panicked “holding” fear I had about Obama, until I heard Cristi Adkins share her story on Hannity & Colmes . . . I immediately got on their site and the rest is history! Thank you PUMAs!! And, thank you again, Greta!

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Comment by NObama licked Larry's peepee!
September 2nd, 2008 at 1:39 am

obama is a fraud! obama is a liar! obama is a closet fag! obama is muslim! obama is inexperienced! obama is a racist! obama is a marxist! obama is stuck on himself! obama is loser! obama is an arrogant snob! obama is anti-american! obama is a rock-star!

should I go on? I am not PUMA but wish them all the luck! I may become one if I am able to find the time~

I believe in PUMA! PUMA RULES!!!
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Comment by dances
September 2nd, 2008 at 1:39 am

For me, this is beyond Senator Clinton. It is about fraudulent electoral practices. It doesn’t matter who the candidate is if our votes aren’t counted, if caucuses are ruled by thieves and thugs, if a few hundred people get to decide who the nominee of any given party is, we fall into the hands of dictatorship. Without credible validated election processes, our votes do not matter.

I will not reward corrupt practices with my vote. In this case, I will be voting against obama, the dnc/rbc. caucuses, super delegates, delegates, dean, brazile, pelosi, reid, inc. My lifelong allegiance to the Democratic Party will end when I cast my vote against their corruption.

I’m real. Puma Pac is real.
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Comment by Lori_WA
September 2nd, 2008 at 1:36 am

Yes, PUMA is real, we are not Republicans or ‘bitter old women. We are of all races,genders, and colors. We have one thing in common and that is to bring Democracy back to the middle class and respects the Constitution. We want an elected President, not a selected one. We may not agree on who we will vote for, but one thing is certain, and that is, it will not be Barack Obama.
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Comment by Connie
September 2nd, 2008 at 1:31 am

Greta, I am serious. Please lead an hour long special on the significance of Roe v Wade in 2008. We have to stand up to the Dems attempt to brow beat women with this issue.
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Comment by Connie
September 2nd, 2008 at 1:28 am

Now the Dems are trying to make an issue of Sarah Palin’s lack of foreign policy experience. So what! If she becomes President she will pick a VP with foriegn Policy exp just like the Dems unqualified presidential candidate did. I actually heard Larry King smirking ask “what should Sen McCain say in his acceptance speech about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy?!” What is wrong with these Dems? Ther is no way you can say that these idiots on CNN and MSNBC reflect our culture. How do they even stay on TV? Oh yeah that is because we can’t cancel their channels.
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Some things just D.J. themselves.

I was watching a special on music one time that had Grandmaster Flash on it.He explained what the favorite record of D.J.s was, Trans-Europe Express by Kraftwerk.He said you could go to the bathroom, eat anything while the record played.The record D.J.s' itself.

Today that's what I'll do with my blog. The following is from the Sugar and Spice blog.Sugar says she is a black woman.I don't believe she's black or a woman.I let my blog D.J itself while she speaks.This is her address if you don't believe that she wrote it

A song for Hillary,Sarah Palin, and PUMA.

Hold fast Hillary. Hold fast Sarah Palin. Hold fast PUMAs. The attacks are coming hard and fast from the Obama supporters because they are in an absolute frenzy that we women-folks are causing so much trouble for their Messiah. I'm especially ashamed of the female Obama supporters who are traipsing around letting themselves be pimped out by those thugs, acting as though they speak for Hillary supporters. Well, they don't speak for me and I will be voting for McCain in November.

If you are so concerned about a "woman's right to choose" you should have thought about that during the primaries. Now, just keep your damned legs closed or make him put a sleeve on that dick. A baby doesn't have to happen. It's up to you. Besides, with all of this damned HIV and Super AIDS we are dealing with, why in the hell aren't you making these guys wear condoms anyway? How about "choose" to use some common sense and use protection!? Shut up all of this shit talking about Roe v. Wade being "rolled back". Nobody's rolling anything back. If it were going to happen, it would have already happened under the Nimrod in Chief we've got now. You made your bed, lay in it!

The constant refrain we heard from so many women during the primaries was, "We would like to see a woman president, just not this woman," with such disdain for Hillary. Well, we would like to see an African-American become president, just not this one.

Anyway, check out Chaka Khan, the icon, and Mary J Blige, the queen, expressing what these folks need to keep in mind. I'm sick of this shit from them and they get what they deserve after McCain kicks that ass in a few weeks. --SUGAR

Did anything happen while I was gone?

In The Tank